You are browsing Marche Bonichoix Canada flyer, valid from Thursday December 12, 2024 to Wednesday December 18, 2024

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Top 5 deals from this flyer from Dec 12, 2024 to Dec 18, 2024

Product name Size/quantity Price Old price Discount Page #
Molson Export 24 x 355 ml $0.00 $37.99 100% off page 3
Smoked Atlantic Salmon 300 g $10.99 $19.99 45% off page 1
St Hubert Tourtière 800 g $7.49 --- 0% off page 1
Bacon Lafleur 800 g $8.49 --- 0% off page 10
Compliments Mouchoirs en Papier $0.00 --- 0% off page 9
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Top 5 deals from this flyer from Dec 12, 2024 to Dec 18, 2024

Product name Size/quantity Price Old price Discount Page #
St Hubert Tourtière 800 g $7.49 --- N/A page 1
Rôti Français 132.1 $/kg $5.99 --- N/A page 1
Clementines 1.6 kg $4.99 --- N/A page 1
Smoked Atlantic Salmon 300 g $10.99 $19.99 45% off page 1
Vinta Original $2.22 --- N/A page 1
Philadelphia Cream Cheese 227 g $3.97 --- N/A page 1
Mike's Pepperoni Pizza $6.99 --- N/A page 1
Pepsi ou Coca-Cola 6 x 710 ml $3.97 --- N/A page 3
Lay's Classic 235 g $3.33 --- N/A page 3
YOP Strawberry 200 ml $0.97 --- N/A page 3
Robin Hood Farine Tout Usage 2.5 kg $4.99 --- N/A page 3
Sleeman Original Draught 24 x 473 ml $34.50 --- N/A page 3
Molson Export 24 x 355 ml $0.00 $37.99 100% off page 3
Nicolas Laloux Rouge 4 L $0.00 --- N/A page 3
Nicolas Laloux Blanc 4 L $0.00 --- N/A page 3
Bifteck Francais 22.02 lb / 5 kg $9.99 --- N/A page 4
Filets de porc frais 14.31 lb / 6.49 kg $6.49 --- N/A page 4
Boeuf frais pour fondue chinoise ou raclette 30.84 lb / 13.99 kg $13.99 --- N/A page 4
Jambon fumé Lait Carnie 550 g $11.99 --- N/A page 4
Poitrines de poulet frais 110.50 lb / 50 kg $4.99 --- N/A page 4
Boulettes de viande fraîches à cuire 450 g $10.49 --- N/A page 4
Jarrets de porc 5.49 lb / 5 kg $2.49 --- N/A page 4
Combo de saucisses fraîches $9.49 --- N/A page 4
Ailes de poulet surgelées 550 g $14.99 --- N/A page 4
Viande fumée tranchée 400 g $13.99 --- N/A page 4
Saucisses cocktail 375 g $4.49 --- N/A page 4
Filets de morue 3.05 $/lb $14.99 --- N/A page 5
Janes Poisson Style Anglais $8.99 --- N/A page 5
Panache Calmars Croustillants Surgelés 340 g $8.99 --- N/A page 5
Grenade $2.99 --- N/A page 5
Avocats Hass $3.99 --- N/A page 5
Bleuets Produits en Abitibi $4.99 --- N/A page 5
Tomates Rouges de Serre 2.99 $/lb $2.99 --- N/A page 5
Compliments Carottes 5 lbs $3.49 --- N/A page 5
Poinsettia 15-25 cm (6 in pot) $8.99 --- N/A page 5
Sara Lee Biscuits Scones 300 g $7.00 --- N/A page 6
Pom Ultra Moelleux Sliced Bread $2.50 --- N/A page 6
Tarte Complète Aux Pommes $9.99 --- N/A page 6
Pain Raisins Et Pommes ou Canneberges 400 g $4.99 --- N/A page 6
Smoked Beef Eye of Round 100 g $3.69 --- N/A page 6
Rôti de Poitrine de Dindon Cuit 100 g $2.99 --- N/A page 6
Parmesan Rosette de Lyon ou Chorizo $10.99 --- N/A page 6
Charcuteries Tranchées 175 g $4.99 --- N/A page 6
Hummus Tartinade 454 g $6.99 --- N/A page 6
Pâté Tourtière Feuilletée $9.99 --- N/A page 6
Sandwichs Farcis $3.99 --- N/A page 6
Sauce Pour Viande à Chili Pasta 750 ml $8.49 --- N/A page 6
Fromage Feta ou Ricotta $5.49 --- N/A page 6
Fromage Parmesan, Asiago $6.99 --- N/A page 6
Calendrier de l'Avent Fromages d'ici $36.99 --- N/A page 6
Compliments Cheese Sticks 315 g $7.49 --- N/A page 7
Cuisine Adventures Mini Sausages 281 g $7.99 --- N/A page 7
Cuisine Adventures Cranberry & Brie Bundles 255 g $10.99 --- N/A page 7
Toppits Thai Shrimp Golden Purses 330 g $10.99 --- N/A page 7
Coca-Cola or Canada Dry Mini Cans 6 x 222 ml $4.99 --- N/A page 7
KitKat 2-Pack $2.00 --- N/A page 7
Del Monte Ultra Fruits Mixed Fruit Cups $2.00 --- N/A page 7
Tassimo Coffee McCafe 116 g $10.99 --- N/A page 8
Tassimo Coffee Tim Hortons $10.99 --- N/A page 8
Rougemont Apple Juice 2 L $4.49 --- N/A page 8
Stefano Spaghetti 454 g $2.79 --- N/A page 8
Source Yogurt 650 g $3.49 --- N/A page 8
International Delight French Vanilla 473 ml $3.99 --- N/A page 8
Coffee Mate $5.99 --- N/A page 8
General Tao Meatballs 380 g $7.49 --- N/A page 8
Jean-Philippe Tofu 370 g $7.49 --- N/A page 8
Campbell's Cream of Chicken Soup 284 ml $1.99 --- N/A page 8
Esta Sandwich Chaud Hot Chicken Sauce 398 ml $2.69 --- N/A page 8
Cordon Bleu Chicken Sauce 398 ml $2.69 --- N/A page 8
Pacini Alfredo Sauce $1.69 --- N/A page 8
Dora Strawberry Jam 500 ml $3.99 --- N/A page 8
Dainty Basmati Rice 900 g $7.49 --- N/A page 8
Panache Maple Syrup 575 ml $7.49 --- N/A page 8
St-Hubert Sugar Pie 255 g $9.49 --- N/A page 8
Compliments Ketchup $2.79 --- N/A page 9
Compliments Fromage Cheddar 270 g $5.49 --- N/A page 9
Compliments Fromage Râpé 320 g $5.99 --- N/A page 9
Compliments Café Instantané 150 g $5.49 --- N/A page 9
Compliments Craquelins de Riz $1.99 --- N/A page 9
Compliments Bâtonnets de Fromage $3.49 --- N/A page 9
Compliments Biscuits à l'érable 350 g $2.99 --- N/A page 9
Arte Nova Vin Rosé $10.99 --- N/A page 9
Arte Nova Vin Blanc ou Rouge $10.99 --- N/A page 9
Stefano Vin Blanc ou Rouge $13.99 --- N/A page 9
Dawn Détergent à Vaisselle $5.29 --- N/A page 9
Dove Men+Care Pain de Savon $5.99 --- N/A page 9
Degree Déodorant $5.99 --- N/A page 9
Compliments Essuie-tout $7.99 --- N/A page 9
Compliments Mouchoirs en Papier $0.00 --- N/A page 9
Jeune Dindon Surgelé 5.95 kg $1.79 --- N/A page 10
Prix Club Porc Haché Maigre 1.2 kg $10.00 --- N/A page 10
Poulet de Grain Frais 3.5 kg $4.49 --- N/A page 10
Bacon Lafleur 800 g $8.49 --- N/A page 10
Mini Concombres Sans Pépins 300 g $2.99 --- N/A page 10
Plateau de Fromage à Raclette 300 g $12.99 --- N/A page 10
Asperges Vertes 450 g $4.99 --- N/A page 10
Trio de Charcuterie $9.99 --- N/A page 10
Crevettes Nordiques Sauvages Surgelées 340 g $14.49 --- N/A page 10
Bûche Forêt Noire 500 g $24.99 --- N/A page 10
Petits Gâteaux Compliments 12 x 45 g $10.99 --- N/A page 10
Raisins Rouges Sans Pépins 11.06 kg $4.99 --- N/A page 10
Bûche Framboise, Fudge, Litchi et Crème 720 g $23.99 --- N/A page 11
Bûche Poire Vanille 520 g $23.99 --- N/A page 11
Bûche Le Rocher 550 g $24.99 --- N/A page 11
Bûche Red Velvet 600 g $29.99 --- N/A page 11
Bûche Gateaux Faves Choco et Brownie 810 g $29.99 --- N/A page 11
Bûche Chocolat et Framboise 550 g $27.99 --- N/A page 11
Bûche Glacée Chocolat et Framboise 750 ml $17.99 --- N/A page 11
Bûche Glacée Triple Chocolate 740 g $29.99 --- N/A page 11
Bûche Porté Noir 810 g $29.99 --- N/A page 11
Panettone Le Frambotissimo 200 g $15.99 --- N/A page 11
Panettone Prosecco 750 g $29.99 --- N/A page 11
Pandoro 750 g $22.99 --- N/A page 11
Craquelins Artisan 200 g $3.99 --- N/A page 12
Craquelins de Riz Good Thins 100 g $3.99 --- N/A page 12
Glacage Betty Crocker 450 g $2.49 --- N/A page 12
Pâte Feuilletée Surgelée Ricardo 400 g $6.49 --- N/A page 12
Saindoux Tenderflake 454 g $4.99 --- N/A page 12
Crème Glacée Cane de Noël 1.5 L $4.99 --- N/A page 12
Crème Glacée Panache 1 L $5.49 --- N/A page 12
Croustilles Doritos Minis 197 g $3.50 --- N/A page 12
Pepsi 12 x 355 ml $7.99 --- N/A page 12
Coca-Cola 12 x 355 ml $8.49 --- N/A page 12
Croustilles Tortilla Doritos Nacho/Cheetos $2.00 --- N/A page 12
Kinder Happy Moments 184 g $6.79 --- N/A page 13
Ferrero Rocher 300 g $16.49 --- N/A page 13
Freddo Caramel 150 g $4.49 --- N/A page 13
Panache Belgian Biscuits 1 kg $21.99 --- N/A page 13
Panache Wafer Roll 400 g $4.29 --- N/A page 13
Panache Collection de Biscuits de Luxe 620 g $16.99 --- N/A page 13
Cella's Milk Chocolate Covered Cherries 141 g $3.19 --- N/A page 13
Terry's Orange 157 g $5.29 --- N/A page 13
Bleu & Bon Frozen Fruits 450 g $4.99 --- N/A page 13
DYN Pigalle Fruits 1 kg $14.99 --- N/A page 13
I cannot extract any product names, prices, or sizes from this image as it only contains promotional text without specific product details. --- N/A page 2

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